The Memorandum of Agreement between Coders’ Hub and Cikat n’STEM.

The Memorandum of Agreement between Coders’ Hub and Cikat n’STEM. News With this agreement, the parties agree to work together to open new professional paths for students by offering scholarship training for proper career development in the field of Information Technology provided by Coders’ Hub.
Empowering Developers Through Code: Join Our Free Bootcamp forFull-Stack Development!

Empowering Developers Through Code: Join Our Free Bootcamp forFull-Stack Development! News In celebration of the continuous growth in the tech industry, we’reexcited to announce a special initiative: a FREE two-day boot camp foraspiring developers!When: July 5th and 6th, 2024Duration: 2 DaysRegistration Deadline: July 4th, 2024Attendance:Online or In classThis bootcamp is designed to equip you with […]
Student Spotlight: A Coders’ Hub Success Story

Student Spotlight: A Coders’ Hub Success Story News Join us as our talented students share their journeys and aspirationsafter completing their training at Coders’ Hub.They’re excited to continue their paths in the tech world, specializingas successful web developers.We wish them all the best in their future endeavors! Ready to start your own success story?Apply now!
Success Story!

Success Story! News Meet Anesa Haskuka, a remarkable graduate of our Full-Stack Developer training at Coders’ Hub! Anesa’s passion for web development and her relentless pursuit of knowledge have made her an exceptional student. She has developed impressive skills and is ready to take on new challenges in the tech world. We are excited to […]
Success Story!

Success Story! News We are excited to introduce Uron Terrnava, who has recently completed our Full-Stack Developer training at Coders’ Hub. Uron’s hard work throughout the program has been truly inspiring. We are confident that his skills and determination will lead him to great opportunities in the near future. We wish Uron all the best […]
Meet our student Edona Mulaj!

Meet our student Edona Mulaj! News She successfully completed our training as a Full-Stack Developer. Edona demonstrated dedication , showcasing her skills as a hardworking web developer. She is now working as a web developer at Kopertina. We wish Edona continued success in her career!
Meet Burim Hyseni

Meet Burim Hyseni News After completing the Full-Stack Development training at Coders’ Hub, I gained extensive knowledge of programming and website development. Although my profession is in economics, I have always been interested in this field. I plan to pursue Full-Stack Development as a second job, and possibly as a primary career in the future. […]
Student Spotlight: A Coders’ Hub Success Story

Success Story News Mrika AzemiNga pjesëmarrja ime ne kursin Coders Hub (fullstack web developing)perfitova njohuri të thella rreth programimit dhe ndërtimit të një webfaqe-je. Kursi ofroi nje “mix” te shkëlqyer të teorisë dhe praktikës, duke më ndihmuar të zhvilloj aftësi të reja dhe të perparoj në karrierëntime si një Web Developer.
Success Story

Success Story News Introducing Artan Osmani, a dedicated student who has completed our Full-Stack Developer training at Coders’ Hub.Artan’s commitment and hard work have paid off, and he is now working as a Support IT Intern at Sollaborate HellocareWe are proud of his achievements and wish him the best in his future endeavors!
Next-Gen Coders Starts on 01/07/2024

Next-Gen Coders Starts on 01/07/2024 News Empower Your Teen with Coding Excellence!Enroll your teen, aged 12-18, in our coding program at Coders’ Hub!Start date: July 1stCourse Session: Twice a Week The registration deadline is 30 June,2024 Unlock creativity and problem-solving skills.Explore coding with various languages and create applications.Build a foundation for future success in technology.Secure […]